This morning, the United Nations Security Council voted today on a proposal that demands that Israel give up its atomic weapons, and it passed. Yep, that wasn't a typo. The world has demanded that Israel disarm and face the hungry wolves with nothing but sticks and stones.
And where did America stand on this resolution? Well, last September America opposed a similar resolution that targeted Israel's nuclear arsenal. Not this time. This time, Obama's administration abstained.
In today's Wall Street Journal, Bret Stephens points out that America was strategically motivated.
"...the factors that chiefly seemed to drive the administration's decision to abstain from this morning's vote were more strategic than personal. Western negotiators have been pressing Iran to make good on its previous agreement in principle to ship its nuclear fuel to third countries so it could be rendered usable in Iran's civilian nuclear facilities. The Iranians, in turn, have been adamant that they would not do so unless progress were made on international disarmament." (Read the full artcile here:
Than, Mr. Stephens quotes a senior administration official:
"The Iranians have a point...The U.S. can't forever be the enforcer of a double standard where Israel gets a nuclear free ride but Iran has to abide by every letter in the NPT... How can we tell Tehran that they're better off without nukes if we won't make the same point to our Israeli friends?"
Look at what this official is say: Iran has a point? In what twisted version of realty does Iran even have a opinion on the world stage? At what point did we begin taking policy advice from foreign dictators?
The White House should be ashamed. The president's approach to nuclear disarmament is naive, dangerous and irresponsible. Nuclear disarmament has never and can never work. The good guys, the nations that would never think of attacking a foreign sovereignty are always the first to drop their weapons while evil rulers who wish to further their own agenda while destroying anyone in their way simple sit int eh corner snickering with their stockpiles of weapons. Disarmament always leave the innocent vulnerable to the violent attacks of aggressors. Every move that the world has made towards peace has been negotiated through strength.
is Obama foolish enough to think that peace can be achieved in the Mid East if Israel disarms? He cannot be serious!
What would have happened if Ronald Reagan moved America towards disarmament in the early 80s? Hundred of millions of innocent people would be living under the brutal communist regime in Russia. Liberation from fear and the deliverance of liberty to countless millions was only made possible because America became stronger and built up our arms. Reagan knew that you can only negotiate with a bully from a point of strength.
Israel is the only thing that keeps some resemblance of order in the middle east. Iran, Syria and other hostile nations are kept in check from the fear of Israel's might. Israel is the only deterrent in the region. And, I promise you no matter what Iran says over a cup of coffee in front of a fire place and no matter what Israel does, Iran's current regime will never cease to pursue a nuclear arsenal.
This White House official claims that we are trying to tell Iran that they are "better off without nukes." No! No we are not. We are telling and must continue to tell Iran that under no circumstances will America and world allow them to have nukes. America has never been a enforcer of a " double standard".
A double standard is when you have different expectations from similar sources. Israel is a peaceful nation and always has been. They have never invaded the borders of their neighboring countries. Israel has never mobilized its army provokingly. They have never sent verbal threats to their enemies. Israel's leaders have never displayed a apocalyptic disillusion. Israel has never said another nation does not have the right to exist. Israel has never funded terror groups who constantly attack women and children, targeting civilian centers of life. Iran has done all of the above and more. Clearly, America and the world must treat Iran differently. And, that is not a double standard.
All Ican say is: Shame on you Mr. President. Today, your administration has drastically changed our country's foreign policy. Today you have abandoned a long time friend in the region. Today, you have brought the possibility of a nuclear bomb going off within the borders of Israel a bit closer. Today, your administration has failed this country.
I feel like I'm reading a fiction novel when reading the daily news. Unbelievable that the POTUS would ever abandon Israel, but then again America did elect a fool to the position.