Friday, August 28, 2009

You Cannot Silence Us

The draft of a new bill (S.773) seems to give the president ( obviously, that would currently be Obama) full authority to shut down the internet access to a private sector as he sees fit.

To be fair, the assumption is that the president would use these new powers only when the nation or a specific sector is being attacked. But, as we all know well, powers granted can easily be abused. After all, who is to say what a true emergency is? Perhaps, blogs criticizing the new health care plan might be considered a "threat". Or, maybe the lunatics in our government might come to the conclusion that the town hall "mobs" threaten public safety and shut down the internet as a way of "protecting" Americans? POOF! There goes Twitter. And, what was that sound? Oh, it was the crashing sound of Democracy being thrown out the window.

It has long been known that the mainstream media has lost its way and has become extremely liberal. They do what they can to twist the truth in favor of liberal ideals and to destroy any and all opposition, i.e. the conservatives and Republicans. We clearly saw this during the coverage of the 2008 presidential campaigns and we continue to see it in the current coverage of this White House.

This week, the mainstream media has hit another low. As the health care debate is heating up, numerous third party ads have hit the airwaves, some in favor of and others against the current health care proposal. This is the healthy process of democracy. Everyone's voice should be heard and heard as loud as someone wants to shout it. However, some networks disagree. ABC and NBC have refused to air a ad that is critical of the health care proposal. ( Read more here:,2933,543940,00.html

Censorship is a critical aspect to any tyrannical government. The Nazis used censorship to control their propaganda machine. Communists used it and continue to do so in China and North Korea. More recently, in Iran, when thousands of the country's citizens organized and protested the recent elections, what was one of the first things the tyrannical government did to suppress the threatening uprising? They shut down access to the internet.

And now in the nation that redefined liberty and freedom is seeking to do the same? Where is the outrage?

Censorship has long been a weapon of the anti-democracy arsenal. Control what people hear, say and see. Manipulate them with your own version of the story; lead them to believe in the lies you are creating. Now, our very own government is trying to seize control of the First Amendment.

Is this what we are becoming? A government that uses fear and power to control our lives? Look what our government is doing to our freedoms. They are willing to sacrifice everything that makes America the "last best hope for mankind". Just look at what they are trying to do: control the media, suppress the outlets for the First Amendment and silence the opposition. Well, we will not and we cannot be silent. We are Americans and we cherish the tremendously profound ideals that have made this country great far too much. This is a young country, but one with a rich history. If our history says anything about us it is this: we are willing to do everything and anything, even offer the ultimate sacrifice, to protect America and all it stands for. We are a nation of fighters. We are kind and compassionate. But not weak or naive. We are the American people and we will only take so much.

The outrage you see at the town hall meetings is Americans at their best. The elderly folks who flock to these events to voice their opinion are the same Americans who lived during the last Great War. They have seen what this country is willing to suffer to ensure that freedom and liberty endures. They are the protect of such sacrifices. The young married couple are the Americans who fear that their children will inherit a America that vaguely resembles the one they grew up in, if at all.

We are America, the greatest country on earth. Try to take away our freedoms, and you will see what we are mad of. Test our resolve and commitment to liberty and you will hear our voices. Try to silence us, we will only shout louder. We do not back down and we will not be bullied.

*text from the bill

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cheney on CIA

Vice President Cheney's statement to The Weekly Standard:

The documents released Monday clearly demonstrate that the individuals subjected to Enhanced Interrogation Techniques provided the bulk of intelligence we gained about al Qaeda. This intelligence saved lives and prevented terrorist attacks. These detainees also, according to the documents, played a role in nearly every capture of al Qaeda members and associates since 2002. The activities of the CIA in carrying out the policies of the Bush Administration were directly responsible for defeating all efforts by al Qaeda to launch further mass casualty attacks against the United States. The people involved deserve our gratitude. They do not deserve to be the targets of political investigations or prosecutions. President Obama’s decision to allow the Justice Department to investigate and possibly prosecute CIA personnel, and his decision to remove authority for interrogation from the CIA to the White House, serves as a reminder, if any were needed, of why so many Americans have doubts about this Administration’s ability to be responsible for our nation’s security.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Major Tom to Ground Control


On Sunday, Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez said that, when it comes to Latin American policy, President Obama is "lost in the Andromeda" galaxy.


Chavez went on to say that the "empire" ( that is us, America, by the way) should get its hands out of Honduras and our "claws" ( was that another reference to the devil?) our of Latin America. "President Obama is lost in the Andromeda Nebula, he has lost his bearings, he doesn't get it," he said.


These comments came after the American and Columbian government came to agreement that would allow the US to use and have access to seven Columbian army bases allowing the two governments to more effectively combat the Columbian cocaine trade and guerillas. This move might also impact the revenues for Venezuela's corrupted government.


This sort of irrational and extreme rhetoric is nothing new for Chavez. However, this should be a lesson to Obama.


On the campaign trail, Obama practically demonized the Bush administration's approach with Chavez constantly blaming President Bush for destroying diplomatic relations with Chaves and Iran, to name a few. Friendly relations. Open dialogues. Reaching out with a open arms to dictators and tyrants alike ( not that Obama or the Left would ever call them that). And I am sure we all remember the tender moment back in April when Obama shook Chavez's hand at the Summit of Americas and accepted Chavez's gift: a book title called Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent
by Uruguayan author Eduardo Galeano. For interesting info on the book's background, check out this ABC blog:


Bush is long gone, but the hatred remains. America stands for liberty, freedom, equality and individualism – all ideals despised by tyrants around the world who rule the masses by keeping them down, destroying their will for independence through fear; tyrants who abuse their power; forgetting the needs of their people and focusing on their own power and wealth.


These leaders are bullies. And there is only one way to deal with a bully: toughness, toughness and toughness. Obama was a slightly delusional candidate, I hope the recent slanders from Chavez helps convince him to be a smarter president.









When Guilty, Plea to a Lesser Crime

Today the White House finally admitted that something screwy was going on with their email system. Apparently, it was possible for third party groups to sign up your email address at the White House webpage causing you to receive unsolicited email updates from the administration.

This issue first came to light when Fox News' Major Garrett confronted White House Press Secretary Gibbs at a routine press conference( see previous blog).

After a few days of bad media, the White House figured out what went wrong. Sunday night, White House spokesman Kick Shapiro said:
"We are implementing measures to make subscribing to e-mails clearer, including preventing advocacy organizations from signing people up to our lists without their permission when they deliver petition signatures and other messages on individual’s behalf"

Ok, so the White House admitted that their system was flawed. They apologized. There was a loophole that other people and/or organizations were abusing. The deed was wrong, the White House is innocent and the straw men are to blame.

Than Shapiro continued in his statement:
"The White House e-mail list is made up of e-mail addresses obtained solely through the White House website. The White House doesn't purchase, upload or merge from any other list. … [A]ll e-mails come from the White House website as we have no interest in emailing anyone who does not want to receive an email."

Sometimes, when someone has done something wrong, they would rather admit to a lesser crime to avoid further investigations. After all, if they were guilty of something graver, they would admit that as well, right? This is a childish tactic and the White House might be using it here.

They admit to being the victim, state what would be wrong and clarify that they would never dream of doing it.

To be clear, I am not saying that the White House is guilty of any wrongdoing. Perhaps they really are the victim of clever third party operational tactics. But, what if, just what if it is more than that? Or, what if the White House assisted these "third parties"? Don't we deserve to know? Keep at it Major!

Major Garrett vs Gibbs - Is the White House in Your InBox?

In Case You Missed Last Week's Fiery Exchange

Last week, Major Garrett from Fox News hammered away at an issue during a routine White House press conference once again showing the bias that is corroding the integrity of the modern day media.

Basically, Garrett received numerous complaints from people claiming to ave received emails from the White House - from David Axelrod to be exact - without signing up for these updates. The email was more or less an issue advocacy piece "clarifying" the President's health-care plan and urging Americans to get behind the current legislation.

Garrett asked Press Secretary Gibbs a very simple question: why are these citizens receiving email updates from the White House? Are they on a list? If so, how did the White House cultivate these email lists?

The question was straight forward, direct and relatively simple. Why did Gibbs seem so agitated and frustrated with the question?

Garrett was actually just scraping the surface of a very complicated issue.

The White House cannot partake in political activity and they cannot lobby the American public. President Obama has actually maneuvered around these restrictions by allowing or supporting the creation of Organizing for America,the campaign apparatus left over after the president's run.

This organization is currently housed in the headquarters of the DNC. According to the Huffington Post:
Organizing for American has roughly 13 million e-mail addresses and two million active volunteers, though its strength in helping to advance specific legislative items has yet to be tested. (

13 million e-mail addresses at their disposal. Unlimited funds. Organizing for America is a beast to be reckon with, be sure of that. However, the real question that should bother all Americans who believe in freedom is: what is the true relationship between this organization and the White House?

Major Garrett was just scrapping the surface of a profoundly important issue. Did the White House utilize the organization's e-mail list? Is the White House overstepping its role in electoral politics? Is the Obama administration abusing its boundaries as the executive branch? Is the government mining IP addresses for emails? Late at night, when Axelrod, Emanuel and Gibbs are sitting around, are they bending some rules in the name of the"greater good".

Through my own professional experiences, I know you can purchase voter files with email addresses. Did the White House purchase a list; an act that I imagine is borderline illegal, immoral at best?

The end of this story is yet written. However, two truths have already come out:
1. Major Garrett is probably the only objective reporter in the White House
2. This can be the beginning of a far larger story and we should all thank Garrett for "following his nose" as the they say in the newspaper business.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009

Unrest at a health-care Townhall Meeting in Tampa

" You work for us!"

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Town Hells

Americans are giving the Dems a ear full during their recess. Unruly and upset crowds flood these town hall meetings. Is this what Obama was fearful of? Was this the reason for the rush?

Check out this video...

President Obama in His Own Words

This is what he really thinks about government controlled healthcare

Monday, August 3, 2009

Crowd Explodes at Sen. Specter