Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Immune from GOP?

Today, the first African American President nominated the first Hispanic woman to the highest court in the land, Judge Sonia Sotomayor.

Noble. An achievement for racial equality. This president really truly is about change! Wow, hold on...not so fast there buckaroo.

While we all can and should applaud individuals who are successful despite obstacles and celebrate those who break racial and social barriers, President Obama's intentions may not be so sincere.

Judge Sotomayor is an accomplished person; perhaps not the most qualified in the land, but qualified nonetheless. She has without a doubt been an activist judge; utilizing the bench to create policy and push a specific agenda. She is the left ( some would say far left) leaning liberal that Obama has dreamed of nominating since the campaign. Could he find someone more liberal? Maybe. Could he have found a stronger legal powerhouse? Definitely. Will she be confirmed? Without a doubt.

Obama is a exceptionally shrewd politician and his cleverness even makes Bill Clinton look second rate at times. Forget slick Willy, we have Oily Obama.

If you question that, just look how far the man has come in such a short span of time. He didn't leap frog over his seniors, he catapulted. And, the president's brain team, mainly Axelrod and Emanuel, are cut-throat operatives. I can guarantee you that they all sat down and put their heads together about this one and their brainstorming gave birth to the perfect, and I mean perfect, candidate. This administration has won a two-way victory: 1. they will place a left-leaning liberal on the Supreme Court and 2. they will be able to slap the GOP around a bit in the process.

Obama knew that the GOP would oppose any activist judge he put forth. This was going to be another opportunity for the GOP to draw distinct ideological differences between the Democrats and the GOP. It was going to inevitably be a battle of ideas, morals, values; a battle for the very meaning of the constitution. The nomination would have presented the GOP with a phenomenal opportunity to define themselves for the nation. This would be a chance to once again display the president in a poor light while showing the American people concrete differences between the President's vision of this country's future and the GOP.

After the GITMO fiasco, the president could have none of that. He needed to find someone that fit his liberal criteria and, at the same time, would float above any ideological discussions.

With this nominee, the rhetoric will most likely be toned down. The GOP will fear that strong opposition will further alienate the Hispanic community; the fastest growing voting bloc and one that fled from the GOP in 2008. I can promise you that Obama and the Dems will manipulate and control the direction of the conversation. Every time a legitimate objection is raised by the GOP, the Dems will shout "racists".

This is a loose-loose situation. On one hand, the GOP must make a stand. On the other hand, Sotomayor will be immune to the attacks, protected under the banner of racial equality.

Obama isn't a pioneer for racial equality. Nope. But he is one hell of a slick fella. Oily Obama strikes again.

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