Thursday, July 23, 2009

Obamacare: Isolate Opposition. Apply Pressure. Lie.

Last night, Americans sat around their TVs watching the president try to sell his healthcare plan. Many of the viewers were yearning for clarity; they were hoping for change, myself included. Instead, many Americans turned off the TV, scratched their heads and walked away numbed by the president’s vagueness.

The speech was eloquent with the typical flawless Obamaesque delivery. However, it lacked substance. This speech needed to circle the wagons in congress and convince Americans that healthcare will evaporate in this country unless we implement this legislation and do it now. None of that was really accomplished.

Americans are not going to buy into the idea “that society as we know it will cease to exist unless we act now”. We did that once before and the memory of the stimulus package still stings. While we all know that America’s healthcare needs reform, none of us think we will all be left to suffer if we don’t act now. In fact, most of us think that we should take a step back and think this thing through so that the reform truly changes the system for the better without crippling our economy or burdening taxpayers or falling short of any of its goals.

The speech did not cultivate bi-partisan support. Obama really wasn’t reaching across the aisle last night. Instead, he used his prime time spot to vilify the opposition.
All in all, the speech truly failed to convince Americans or members of congress to jump on board the Obamacare train. What, then, is the president’s next step?

Isolate opposition. Apply pressure. Lie.

Isolate Opposition
Today Roll Call reports that Democrats are preventing Republican House Members from sending their constituents a mailing that criticizes the health care reform plan. All official mail sent by members must be approved. The piece in question here is a chart created by Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) that illustrates the organization of the Democratic health care plan (I posted it a few days ago).

The Democrats in the house are holding these mailers for further review. They are going to stale for as long as they can. Americans deserve to know the truth about the healthcare reform that their representative is going to vote for or against. After all, that is the definition of representation; members of congress go to DC to watch out for our interests. Controlling media and communications isolates the opposition and allows the Dems to run a propaganda machine.

Apply Pressure
Today, the House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn announced that he wants to cancel or postpone the August recess in order to pass Obama’s healthcare plan. The president and the Democrats definitely want this legislation rushed, but I think Rep.

Clyburn, no doubt acting on behalf of Pelosi and the White House, has another agenda.

It has become abundantly clear that Americans do not support the current legislation. Every poll that was released over the last two days, shows a dramatic decline in support for the president on the healthcare issue. Remember: elected officials are at the mercy, and rightfully so, of their constituents. If members of congress go back to their districts, they will be bombarded with complaints and concerns from angry constituents. After a few weeks of direct contact with the people they are meant to serve, members will return to DC even more skeptical of the president’s plan. Support will inevitable erode and we will get the opportunity to see if this really was Obama’s Waterloo.

That is unacceptable to the White House and Democratic leadership.
Therefore, keep congress in session during August. Keep them away from the pulse of the people and keep them cooped up in their offices, apply pressure, convince, cut deals and twist arms. Summon them to the Oval Office.

Nancy Pelosi came straight out and said, “I have no question we have the votes on the floor of the House to pass this legislation.” Excuse my ignorance, but if that was true, what is the hold up?

The truth is Ms. Pelosi and the presidents do not have the votes. They can whine and try to blame Republicans. However, the GOP is powerless in this process. The Dems have majority control in both chambers of the House. They control the Executive Branch. If the Dems wanted this bill to pass, it would in the blink of an eye. However, the truth is that not all of the Dems are on board just yet.

Rep. Mike Ross, a leader of the Democrat group called the Blue Dog Coalition said, “No, I don’t think they have the votes.”

With every passing day the likelihood of them rounding up the votes before the fall seems impossible.

This isn’t going to be the president’s Waterloo, it will be his Titanic. Realizing that his overwhelming charisma is not enough to get the job done, Obama has reverted back to old school Chicago political tactics. He might be an inspirational speaker and brilliant politician but Mr. Obama is a lousy leader. Healthcare is a serious issue, and, Mr. President, your 15 minutes of fame over. Get off the cover of People Magazine; stop touring the world. Sit down and get the job done. Listen to the voice of the American people. You work for us, not the other way around. Stop talking and messing with my TV schedule. Start doing, accomplish and succeed. We don’t have time or patience for your mind games.

Oh, and read the bills before you advocate for them! As a rule of thumb: read than approve.

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